Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Years Resolutions...

I guess you could call them resolutions, but I'm not really into making New Years Resolutions. In my experience, that's a good way to guarantee they don't actually get done. All that to say, over the past year, there were two things I really wanted to do: March for Babies and Race for the Cure. Well, during the March for Babies I was somewhere between seven and eight months pregnant, and my mom pretty much forbade me from walking five miles (Yes, I still listen to my mother.). When the Race for the Cure came around, I was still dealing with what I can only call "New Mother Syndrome." In other words, my world was still turned upside down from the arrival of my bouncing baby boy in June.

All that to say, this year I'm going to do both. Practically speaking, I'm hoping that the knowledge I'm going to have to walk five miles in a few months will inspire me to start walking more now and help me get rid of those few extra pounds Caedmon left behind. From a more heartfelt place, here's why I'm doing this:

March for doesn't take much explanation. On June 8, I was blessed with a healthy, happy baby. But for the nine months that he was in my womb, I thought about all that could go wrong. And I thought about all the moms, dads, and babies who face these challenges. And it made me want to do something.

Race for the Cure...I have a cousin who has been fighting breast cancer for so long I can barely remember a time when she wasn't in this battle. She is a daughter. She is a sister. She is a wife. She is a mother to two beautiful children. She is the kind of person who lights up a room and brings out the best in people. She is the most positive person I know, and she remains this way through the struggles of cancer. I want to be a part of the race for curing this terrible thing that takes so many wonderful women (and men) from our lives.

So there you have it. Those are my goals for this year. Oh, and one more. I'm going to try to write on this dang blog more often. :-)