Sunday, January 02, 2011

My First Quilt Square!

If you've been reading for a while, you will remember that I started a Quilt-a-long quite a while back.  Well, I only got as far as cutting the squares when our world was rocked by a surprise set of orders.  One day I will finish that quilt, but I've decided that what I really need to propel me is actual need.  And we have an actual need here.  The quilts we sleep under are falling apart.  So I've decided to make a quilt for Caedmon first.  Something very simple and made with love for my little man to sleep under (should he ever decide to sleep in his own bed -HAHA!).

So here is my first square.  I'm glad I made a sample because I definitely think it needs to be bigger, and I screwed up the seam allowances.  But I'm pretty dang proud of myself for getting this far.  :-)

My First Quilt Square!

1 comment:

Rodney said...

Very cool, My wife made jean patch blankets for our kids! they loved them! :D

Anyways, my wifes name is Annette (pastors wife)and she just opened her blog to public setting as she wants to be an encouragement and blessing to people. I was trying to be an encouragement to her by asking if you would be willing to swing by and say hi as she does not know many people in the blog world? Thank you for considering. Her blog is

Thank You,
Rodney(Annette's husband)y wife made 2 jean blankets for our daughters out of jean patches they love them!